Sanli Faez, Principal Investigator

Sanli Faez, Principal Investigator


I am an assistant professor at the Physics department of Utrecht University. I am also a member of Utrecht Young Academy and taskforce open-science.

I studied Physics at the Sharif University of Technology and recieved my master’s degree in Nanotechnology from University of Twente. My master and PhD projects were both on wave propagation in random media and Anderson localization, at the (former) FOM institute AMOLF, under the supervision of Ad Lagendijk. I recieved my doctorate degree in 2011 from the Univesity of Amsterdam. I joined the Sandoghdar division at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light as a post-doc, where I devised a new scheme for coherent coupling between single organic molecules and dielectric waveguides. In August 2013, I moved to the Single-Molecule Optics group, led by Michel Orrit, at the Leiden institute of Physics and started working on tracing single electrons using single molecule spectroscopy. During my stay at Leiden, I also developed the nanocapillary electrophoretic tracking (nanoCET) technique with the goal of studying rapid changes in the electrophoretic mobility of single mobile nanoparticles. In 2014, I started the nanoEPics endeavor. In 2019, the nanoCET technology was licensed to a spin-off company that is supported by an NWO Take-off grant

In 2015, Allard Mosk (moving from Uni. Twente) and I started a new research group in Utrecht and named it Physics of Light in Complex Systems or in-short nanolinx. In this group, I am the principle investigator for research projects that come under the umbrella of nano-Electro-Photonics (nanoEPics, among friends).